Tips for Taking Care of Cloth Furniture

One of the biggest things that ruins cloth furniture or furniture with a cover on it is food. Do not allow food on your cloth furniture, because some spills cannot just be wiped up with a rag. They can leave permanent stains and leave your nice furniture smelling of food. Keep pets off of the furniture as well, because they tend to be dirty and will leave marks on the furniture. Some also shed and leave unwanted hair. For similar reasons, teach children to keep their feet off or to at least have clean socks on if they want to put their feet up. Make sure to vacuum often. Things may slip down into the cracks or dirt will seep into the cloth. Taking out all the cushions and covering every surface with the suction of a vacuum cleaner will keep out all those things.
Tips for Taking Care of Other Furniture
Beware of cold drinks or plates. The condensation that comes off of them can become permanent stains. Purchase some coasters and encourage people to use them at all times. This will keep those ugly rings off of nice furniture, especially wood.
Never place anything hot directly on the furniture as well. It may leave a burn or misshape the material that the furniture is made of. Hot plates will help with this. Wipe down the furniture with appropriate cleaner on a regular basis. For example, wood furniture in Gulfport should be wiped down with some sort of wood cleaner that will seal it and help it shine. When it must be moved around, pick it up and carry it rather than dragging it across the floor.
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