Thursday, January 9, 2014

Digitization Services: Why Go Digital?

The Internet is a wonderful thing. It seems that you can find endless information from all ages of history. You can take tours of the Roman Coliseum or see close-ups of original Renaissance paintings. Without digitization services, none of this would be possible. If you have information, photographs, or other important items in your library that you need digitized, you should look for services that provide high-quality scanning, secure storage, and more.

Quality of Images

If you have ever tried to enlarge a low-quality picture, you have most likely seen the pixelated mess that results from the process. If you choose to have images or other documents turned into a digital format, you should expect that the quality of the images will be as high as possible. This means that the highest possible resolution should be used. As items are scanned, they should also be checked a few times for quality, making sure that no dust, fuzz, or other things may have interfered with the quality of the picture. If there’s text, it should be legible. Make sure the files are named in such a way that you are able to locate them quickly and easily.

Secure Storage

The special collections portion of any library contains many fragile works and things that need to be handled with considerable care. As you send items to get digitized, they should be handled with this in mind. The items should be stored securely so that none of them get lost while they’re away from their normal residence. Ask for a tour of the facilities you’re using so that they can show you what measures are taken to protect your items.

Other Services

There are many other options you have when you’re looking into digitization services. For example, your information should be uploaded to any database or management system you want. Scanned texts can be converted into searchable texts for you or the patrons of your library. And newspapers or articles can be segmented however you prefer. The company you use for this service should also be able to catalog as descriptively as you want. Contact a local company for more information on digitizing your archives. 

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